Wednesday, July 2, 2008


As I reflect back on Kacie's life and read the many comments and memories that everyone has shared, I realize how many close friendships she made throughout her short life time and how important her friends were to her. I think being an only child, her friendships meant so much to her.

If you would like to tell us any stories about how you met and became friends we would love to hear. It would be great to see any favorite pictures you might have of the two of you together. I remember Larissa telling us about how she met Kacie when she first started working at Roots Health food.

Here are a few favorite quotes of Kacie's that she wrote down in a book she called "Book of Quotes." I am not sure when she started this book......

"What makes life worth living? To be born with the gift of laughter and sense that the world is mad."

"Friends are God's way of apologizing for our families."

"A true friend walks in when the world walks out."


Jeff said...

My favorite quote here is "What makes life worth living? To be born with the gift of laughter and sense that the world is mad."

To me, this is the best gift that Kacie gave me in life.

I remember Kacie walking by Barnes and Noble and being completely overwhelmed with her beauty. I'll never forget thinking how gorgeous her hair was. I knew she wasn't just some regular girl. I liked her so much and didn't even know her. It made me sick to my stomach because I wanted to talk to her so bad. There is a long story about how I met, or should I say stalked Kacie but the important thing about me meeting Kacie is how she changed my life.

Before I met Kacie, I was just a kid out of high school. I had good friends and we occasionally found trouble to get ourselves into. I remember many nights spent with all my good friends and wondering what I was going to do with my life. I didn't have any plans for school. I knew I wanted to find more in the world than just living on Hilton Head.

Kacie was fun. I remember hanging out with her and her friends on the beach and she was really strange. I mean really strange. I remember thinking "what did I get myself into with this girl." Soon enough, I was obsessed with her humor. Her sarcasm was something only few could understand.

Kacie steered me in all the right directions. She would tell me, "I am not going to talk to you unless you sign up for school." Many statements like this helped me to get on the right track and atleast move in the right direction. There were a lot of other things in my life Kacie stood right by my side. I was having problems at home and she always gave me a shoulder to cry on.

Then she was finally moving back to Baltimore. She had always said she was going to move back right when she got out of high school. She waited a little longer than she had planned but eventually went. I followed. I had no idea what I was doing. I knew I wanted to get out of Hilton Head because it is a trap for young people. There was no room for advancement there for a kid with no money for school and less than average high school grades. I also had an obligation to move out of the house I was in.

I think Kacie enjoyed me moving to Baltimore but she also wanted to be set free and get by on her own. She was very independent.

I am on kind of a tangent here but what I am trying to say is that I have no idea where my life would be if I didn't meet her. She taught me how to accept new things in life. She taught me to go after what you want. Before, I just complained about what I didn't have and thought someone was just going to drop out of the sky and offer me a good job or give me a million dollars.

Above all, and back to the quote Nancy mentioned, she had an outlook on life that I think we all need. This was the gift she gave me. The following is a note that I wrote down on computer only a few weeks after she passed away.

"i keep telling myself i am going to start writing a journal so i can write some more of my thoughts but i havent
started yet. what i have been thinking about today and can't get out of my mind is kacies personality. she was
so sarcastic and carefree that her personality is the reason i am sane. i feel like i can still live a good life.
i think about her and miss her everyday but i can just hear her telling me that everything is all just a joke and
we shouldnt take our lives so seriously. i dont mean we should live carelessly but there is something about her
that i think will help me get through the rest of my life not worrying so much."

Nancy said...

Wow, great story Jeff. I remember her telling me she saw you working in the record department at Barnes and Noble and she was working at Hallmark's next door at the time. Do you remember seeing her there the time her music class had to play the guitar at Barnes and Noble. I think she told me she faked the song the whole way through.She had no idea how to play the guitar.

Even though she hated S.C., I know she would agree that one good thing about moving was meeting you.

Jeff said...

Yes! I remember that like it was yesterday. I think she was wearing the green Dawls pullover sweatshirt that she always wears and her friend Katie was in the music class too.

Nancy said...

You're memory is amazing.
Do you remember the song they played? (i think i do)

She loved that sweatshirt. If I still have it, you can have it if you want.

Natalie said...

Kacie used to always tell everyone she could play "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zepplin on the guitar. I was like yehhh right Kacie. She'd be like no I learned it in my music class. Whenever she was given the chance to play somehow she always wiggled her way out of it. Haha

Jeff said...

I think the song they played WAS actually stairway to heaven. She gave me that guitar and I still have it. Speaking of memory, I have a really bad memory for some things and then I remember really random other things. Kacie used to get so mad at me because I wouldn't remember something she told me. One strange thing I do remember is the cell phone number she had when I first met her.


Nancy said...

i think they also played Merekesh by led zeplin.