Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Kacie always could only sleep with the television on. She said she needed some kind of noise to go to sleep. Personally, I hated sleeping with the tv on. I always would wake up to some creepy infomercial at 3am if I did that. Kacie had quite a few favorite shows... Can you think of any moments you had with the telly and Kacie?

Kacie loved the Andy Griffith show. When she first moved back from Texas she some Andy Griffith DVDs. She stayed with me for a little bit before she got her own place. She watched Andy Griffith every night falling asleep on my couch. I didn't have any cable.
Kacie also loved the food network. She had a lot of shows on there she liked. She use to talk about maybe going back to school for food marketing. She really dreamed of writing for a food/ health magazine or show. 
When Kacie first moved up to Maryland, her and I were obsessed with the reality tv show "Joe Millionaire" We watched it together every week. The show was quite trashy and ridiculous. Which equaled hillarious to us. This was at her apartment in Chatham Gardens. She didnt have cable so we had used almost a whole thing of tin foil on the season finale night trying to get a good picture in.


Rissy said...
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Rissy said...

When Kacie and I first moved in together, we got killer cable! We sprung for the Direct TV package with a zillion channels, and got our first introduction into the Fox Reality channel. All they showed were the trashiest reality shows of the day....elimidate, extreme dating, cheaters. we spent hours watching that crap, and we definitely knew how pathetic we were....we just couldn't help ourselves!

Then when we moved to Catonsville, we decided to cut back and not get cable (i don't know how we did it!!) That was when Kacie got into Girlfriends. It was about a group of successful black women and was sort of like black Friends. Kacie loooooved it! And she managed to get me into it after a while. We would be eating dinner together and saying "ooooh, I hope Toni marries that doctor!" it was like our favorite soap opera. we used to talk about it all the time.

Gary New said...

All of my life I was a fan of the Andy Griffth Show. We even named our dog Barney. Kacie had the show pounded into her head by me for many years.

Ron Howard, Opie, lives here on the island not far from us and is seen everywhere. He's just an average guy and everyone leaves him alone. When Kacie worked here at Starbucks, he would often come in late at night and talk with her. Kacie called me at home very late at night on several occasions so that I could join them but he was always gone when I got there. The last time that they talked, Ron told Kacie that she should go see his latest movie, A Beautiful Mind.

Nancy said...

As you probably know, Kacie inherited a lot of bad habits from us, and one was going to sleep with the tele on. I highly recommend listening to The Andy Griffith show, if youre having a hard time getting to sleep. It's so relaxing it puts you right to sleep. Trust me, you have to try it.
How can i forget Girlfriends, she always wanted me to watch it. I remember her telling me about Joe Millionaire too. She and Mimi also liked to watch Seinfeld and Oprah.
She loved Conan too.

amanda said...

I remember watching joe millionaire with Kacie too!
We also used to have Dawson's Creek nights. She came over almost every Wednesday in high school. Sometimes my mom would order chinese food, sometimes she'd run over right after dinner.
I dont even remember liking Dawsons Creek that much, but Kacie loved it!

amanda said...

I remember watching joe millionaire with Kacie too!
We also used to have Dawson's Creek nights. She came over almost every Wednesday in high school. Sometimes my mom would order chinese food, sometimes she'd run over right after dinner.
I dont even remember liking Dawsons Creek that much, but Kacie loved it!

Jeff said...

Haha! Kacie was so proud of the fact she watched Girlfriends. I never got into watching that show but I did watch the crazy redhead Kathy Griffin. In Texas, Kacie and I loved watching that special on the Discovery Channel called the "The Grizzly Man." Its about a crazy man that decided he was going to live with Grizzly Bears and he eventually gets eaten by them. Kacie thought he was coo coo for cocoa puffs!

And of course, the food channel. I also love the Food Channel. We would make fun of some of the hosts. Kacie used to make fun of Rachel Ray because how she talks. Kacie's nickname for Giada De Laurentiis was "lollipop head."