Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Phone Call

Here's another sad dream that I had early this morning.

I was walking through a room and had no idea where I was. I noticed a small table with an old fashioned phone sitting on it. When I walked over to it, I noticed that the phone was off of the receiver so I picked it up and listened. I could hear someone crying. I immediately recognized it to be Jeff and I woke up.


Jeff said...

I think Kacie used to like old fashioned style phones.

Natalie said...

actually Kacie and I had a replica of an old telephone in our apartment together. A few years later I took a picture of her on it and made some artwork with it. I think I gave you one of the prints of it.

Nancy said...

I was wondering about the story behind the picture of her on the phone and how it was created.

We love the picture and have it hanging on our living room wall.