Saturday, October 4, 2008

An Enlightening Birthday Dream

I had the following dream this morning at about 8:00am just as I waking up.

Kacie's Aunt Theresa was visiting us with her husband, Jimmy, and tried to discipline Kacie because Kacie was unwilling to help her with some work. Kacie rejected the criticism and walked away. Out of anger and concern, I grabbed Kacie and pinned her down to the hood of a car. I screamed at her and said "you've got to start listening to discipline for your own good and you have to stop drinking." She calmly stood up and looked at me without expression and said "you're not doing too good yourself." She then said, "I'll be getting married soon and would like a drink at the reception." I then woke up. Kacie appeared as an adult in this dream and looked just as she did just before her wedding.

This is an interesting dream because as she was growing up, she observed that I never had much respect for most authority and the norms of society. Since she died, I've often thought that maybe I drank too much around her when she was younger and this caused her to have problems later on. She positively got her irreverant sense of humor from me also.

In Kacie's memory, would anyone like to join me in abstinence from any alcohol for an extended period of time like a month, six months or a year? We all enjoy our drinks and have abused alcohol just as she did on the night of her death. Let me know if you would like to pledge a period of abstinence in Kacie's name and I will join you.


Rissy said...

i would absolutely participate in this. there was a period where kacie seriously gave abstinence from alcohol a try. i accompanied her to one AA meeting, and i think natalie went with her to a few of them.

i sometimes think i didn't support her enough in this venture. as i recall, she made the resolution not long after my 21st birthday, so i selfishly wanted to go out and enjoy a few drinks with her now and then. but kacie never had a great sense of when enough was enough, and ultimately, total abstinence would have been best for her.

I'm really glad you suggested this gary. i was talking to my dad yesterday about how i am going to see natalie and vince today, and we are going to have a little mini-celebration for kacie's birthday, and he said to me "you guys should all have a beer in her honor." and i just thought to myself that there was nothing i'd rather do LESS. I think it would be much more fitting to abstain from one of the things that took her from us.

so...i'm in. anyone else?

Gary New said...

Larissa hit the nail on the head. In Kacie's honor we should go without alcohol today.

I have given it serious thought this morning and I pledge in Kacie's memory that I will not drink any form of alcohol for one year until Oct. 4,1909. I don't expect any committment from anyone else but it's something I want to do.

Gary New said...

Good grief. I just read my comment above and gave a date of 1909 instead of 2009. Maybe I could use a drink, but seriously, I will quit for one year in Kacie's honor.

Jeff said...

....still laughing about 1909.

Count me in. That was one thing Iraq did good for me. We couldn't drink at all!

I think this is just one more thing that will bring us closer and alcohol isn't worth losing your best friends and family.

Nancy said...

i agree with Gary, Larissa and Jeff. im in too.

Gary New said...

I haven't had a drink in the last 24 hours and I've only got 364 days to go.