Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I know Larissa will probably remember the story of these shoes. Maybe some others will too. Kacie and I often bought things in pairs we would both find something we like and buy it. We found these suede loafers at Payless shoes that were super cute. I wore mine out to death and Kacie wore hers in the rain one time and they never recovered. She had these shoes when Larissa was living with her in Columbia at the townhouse. Larissa may remember the shoes that sat on her front porch for like 6 months. Those were the shoes! They got ruined from the rain and Kacie never threw them away she just left them on the front porch. Anyway, they were a burnt orange color... who would have thought? The pair that I had were more of a camel color. Anyway... I went to Salvation Army yesterday on Caton Avenue. (This was a favorite thrift store of ours she went there often with Vince and I.) I went there trying to find a pair of old boots... I was unsucsessful. Instead I found the exact pair of suede loafers from Payless in the burnt orange like Kacie had and they were my size AND brand spanking new! It was amazing. I couldn't believe it. I guess its not that hard to believe more then one person would have a pair of shoes from Payless... but it just seemed to good to be true. That was a pretty awesome thrift store find. The picture I have of the shoes is not the exact model of the shoes but it is close to what they looked like except they were burnt orange. Maybe I will take a picture of 'em soon.


Rissy said...

of course i remember those shoes!!! everyone would ask who they belonged to because they were so beat up and tiny.

on a side-note. i was sitting at my desk at work today, and suddenly i smelled something. I still don't know what it was, but it smelled like something from the hospital. I can't even remember what i thought it smelled like; i just knew that it reminded me of something from the ICU. They say that smell is the strongest sense for memory recall. as soon as it hit me i felt like i was going to vomit. luckily it was gone as quick as it came, and i did not throw up all over my keyboard.

and on a second, somewhat happier note, kacie joined me at my desk today. After her memorial service i took one of the cards that natalie designed and i taped it to my computer at work. It was there until last week when i left, and now she is pinned to the wall behind my computer, probably laughing at me for having to work.

Nancy said...

When i saw the picture of the shoes, that brought back a bittersweet memory. She definitely loved those shoes. The last time I saw her, she had one of her old pairs on, and she wanted me to go shopping with her to look for a new pair. Macys was having a good sale, and she found a really nice tan pair, that we bought. She was wearing them the last time i saw her. I guess they are still at Mimis. I would offer them one of you guys, but we all know how tiny her feet were.