Monday, October 6, 2008

Solution To Our Economic Problems

As the U.S. and world markets tumble into chaos, I can't stop thinking about Atlas Shrugged. This book contains the wisdom needed to get us out of this economic mess. I can't think of a better book to read right now. Unlike the last one, this book will grab your attention and enlighten you.

Would anyone like to start it at a very slow pace? Maybe one chapter each month.


Natalie said...

Gary, funny you posted this tonight because I actually was out at Borders at the same time you posted and bought Atlas Shrugged. We must be having some kind of connection in the air.
: )

I have to say this is probably one of the thickest books I have picked up. I was a little intimidated. My mom however told me it is a great book. She had to read it in high school she said. I am looking forward to reading it. I am not sure how long the chapters are. If the story is a little more easy to follow then More die of Heartbreak then I don't see why I wouldn't be able to get into the book.

Also on a side note... I went and saw Mimi today. I took her out to McDonald's and got her a coke. She loves her fountain soda's. She said they only have bottled coke there from the vending machine and its just not the same. I remember Kacie always bringing her a fountain soda even when Mimi was still living at home. I was glad I was able to spend some time with her and let her get out on such a beautiful day. It was quite a sport getting her into my very low to the ground camaro but she managed fine and we had a good time.

Vincent said...

i still have not finished more die of heartbreak, but i plan to finish it soon. i put it down for a while and got caught up in a few charles bukowski novels. i don't know anything about atlas shrugged but i will start it once i finish the other one. like natalie said its size is a bit intimidating, but so is the brothers karamazov (a book i own but have not yet read) and i hear it's a great book. i am going to try to finish more die by next week.

Gary New said...

The early chapters in the book average about 30 pages and it's very easy and interesting reading. Each page is filled with a little genius. Let's all make sure we're on the same page, literally, and get going. How about a chapter each week and see how things go. It's so good that it's difficult to put down.

Natalie, thanks for going to see Mimi.