Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Kacie.

Today, Vince, Larissa and I took a short stroll down River Road in Historic Sykesville. We then wento to Gypsy's tea room in Westminster. This was Kacie's favorite place to get tea. We had cream of cauliflower soup with an apple cinnamon scone. Next we had a tray of tea sandwiches and a butterscotch chai custard with fresh fruit. We all got out own choice of a pot of tea. The last course was a lemon crunch sorbet. Whenever I ate anywhere without Kacie or she was on a diet and could not participate in what I was eating in front of her she'd always say "So tell me about it. Tell me exactly what you ate and exactly how it tasted." We would laugh and I would elaborate on food for quite some time and we would laugh some more.
I also strolled around some of Kacies favorite antique shops in Sykesville too. I saw a lot of stuff I know she would have loved. I saw a lot of old books and I saw a hankercheif embroidered with a "K" on it. I was trying to remember what I did with Kacie last year for her birthday. After reading Jeff's blog... I do remember her going to dinner with Lindsey.... I remember I was going to go but had to work late that night. I know I made it up to her somehow.... but I dont remember how. I think I may have taken her to dinner somewhere else. Does anyone else remember anything about her birthday last year?

I miss you Kacie. I wish you could have been with us today. We did it all for you. We love you.


Rissy said...

unfortunately, i'm in the same boat as you, natalie. i remember i couldn't go to dinner last year, and i know that she and i did something else, but so many of our fun times have just blended together. it's probably a safe bet that i took her to outback :)

Gary New said...

We would like to visit the same places and do the same things when we come.