Sunday, May 18, 2008

Always Free-styling

I had been longing to have a dream about Kacie since she had passed. When she was here I always had dreams about her and I doing silly and stupid things but, when she passed it was as if my ability to see her in my unconscious died with her. That was until about two weeks ago, when I finally saw her in my sleep.
In my dream, I was with some other people at some kind of outside concert. All the sudden Kacie appeared there, and we started talking about where she was and how happy she was. She also told me how happy she was for me that I had found a new job and that I would be moving soon. The people I was around in my dream started to ask me who I was talking to because there was no one there that they could see. Kacie could only be seen by me and she thought it was funny, so she started free-style rapping. Which involved her rapping about the people around me and making fun of them as always. I, of course, started cracking up in my dream and the people around me thought I had lost my mind. 
I know that there was a reason for that dream, and that she was really there for that brief moment in time. It was the only dream I have had of her to date and though I long for more moments like that with her, I am grateful for the few minutes we had together in my sleep because I know she is ok and is here with me, with us all always.

1 comment:

Gary New said...

Even in dreams she could make you laugh.

What a great dream!
