Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tower of Terror

Kacie's mother won't be too happy when she sees that I posted this story but it really happened and it's classic Kacie.

When she was about 10 or 11, we took her to OrlandoFla. to see all of the parks. At the end of our vacation we visited MGM Studios. We spent the day there and saw all of the attractions and ate everything in site. When it started to get dark there was only one more attraction-the Tower of Terror. This ride takes place in a very high haunted house, maybe twelve stories or so. The victims get in an elevator that takes them to the top floor, the doors suddenly open and the elevator goes into a free fall to the ground. The descent is so fast that you're actually weightless for a few seconds. Kacie and I had heard all about the above and I was terrifed but she was just as cool as could be.

Before we go on with the story, here's a little background information. If you knew Kacie when she was a little girl then you'll understand. She had a huge appetite for such a little kid and as a result she often had an upset stomach which caused her to have really bad gas. Long trips in the car with her were real endurance tests. She embarassed us many times with her "accidents" but the Tower of Terror was the worse.

On with the story. As we entered the haunted house we were taken into the library where we had to wait for the elevator to take us to the top floor. There must have been fifty people packed into this room like sardines. We were literally standing there shoulder to shoulder with no space between us. The doors in the library were slammed shut after we entered and the only escape was the elevator. It was unbearably hot and there seemed to be little oxygen in the room. When the aroma first hit me I thought I would pass out. I looked around the room and the faces of all were filled with desperation and agony. I looked down at Kacie and she had a big smile on her face. Another "accident." I was composed until a young Hispanic boy yelled out with a deep accent"who cut the cheese?" I lost control and could not stop laughing, which was rather embarassing because I was the only one there with a sense of humor. The elevator seemed to take forever, but when the doors opened there was a mad rush to get inside. The ride was just as terrifying as I thought it would be but Kacie took the whole incident in stride.


Natalie said...

This story made me laugh out loud over and over again. All of Kacie's good friends know all about the endurance tests you are talking about. haha.

Rissy said...

hahaha, i second what Natalie said! we've all been victims of kacie-gas!!

Jeff said...

This story will never get old. The smell must have been horreebley.