Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The first time I met her...

I just thought I'd share the very mundane story about how Kacie and I first met. 

My friend Mandy got me a job at Roots Natural Market when I was maybe 16. Kacie was working there and was already casual friends with Mandy. I was super shy because I didn't know anything about natural food and was really intimidated by all the organic tree-huggers around me, so I don't think Kacie and I had a REAL conversation until this one day that I'm thinking of...

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18, so for all of my high school years I had friends driving me everywhere. One day, Mandy had to leave work early, and she had been my ride that morning. So I was frantically trying to get a hold of my mom, when Kacie asked me where I lived. I told her Ellicott City, and it turned out we lived like 10 minutes away from one another. 

She drove me home that night and I remember thinking her car was very cool. It had stickers all over the back, and I think that was when she was hanging Mimi's silver necklace from the mirror, rather than wearing it. She also smoked....which all 16 year olds think is cool.

It still makes me laugh to think that I have been friends with her for all these years, and that it all started in that hell-hole Roots. (I know she still harbors a genuine hate for the store's owner Jeff Kauffman)

Incidentally....Roots was also where I met Jeff. He was always called "grocery boy" and never really spoke when I was around, lol...but he was fun to play Balderdash with, and Kacie seemed to like him a lot....so I thought he was ok.


Gary New said...

Thanks, This is a great story.


Natalie said...

ahh balderdash! one night we should have a tournament.