Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not a dream...but a moment I knew she was there...

I was unpacking and decorating my new house the other day. My sister was with me.

One of the first things I took out of a box was the small, gold-framed picture of Kacie in her wedding dress, given to me by Amanda and Sarah. I put it on the mantle above the fireplace in the kitchen so that it was nearby while I unpacked boxes and boxes  of dishes and cutlery (some of which once belonged to Kacie). 

As I continued unpacking, my sister called my attention to the mantle. Without realizing, I had placed a set of silver candle sticks on either side of the photo. My sister said, "you made a little shrine." I laughed and told her that I hadn't even realized I had done it. I then went to move the candlesticks, thinking people would probably think I was a nutjob when they walked into my kitchen. But my sister stopped me.

She said, "don't move them...Kacie would love knowing someone has a shrine built to her." I laughed so hard. It was such a true statement and so encompassed the humor that I know Kacie still possesses. I knew she was looking right at that thing thinking, "God, I have Larissa COMPLETELY wrapped around my finger. Now how can I make her get mommy a little Powerhouse Sandwich?"

I ended up moving the make-shift shrine to my bedroom, on a shelf by my desk. It now consists of that photograph, along with the one of us dressed as saloon-girls in Ocean City, and one of us from her wedding. It also has the little fisherman we won in an arcade in OC.

I go to bed; she's there. I wake up; she's there. She'll always be. 


Gary New said...

Great story. I have no doubt that Kacie will visit you in your dreams real soon.

Sarah J said...

I have a candle under a picture of her as well. And I had the same thought...she would love knowing that.

Jeff said...

that is funny how you described her saying "Now how can I make her get mommy a little Powerhouse Sandwich?"

she always used to say stuff like that. she actually had just sent me an e-mail feb. 20 of this year saying "mommy needs to talk to you big time." i thought she might have been in trouble so i called her right away. nope, she just wanted to talk

At work, I have one of kacie's memorial favors sitting on a framed picture of her at the jetty in OC that amanda gave me.