Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kacie's Tee Shirts

Here's the beginning of them. I will keep posting them.

Kacie and Jeff's First Date

This is where Kacie and Jeff first hung out together- Shelter Cove Marina, Hilton Head Island.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

thrift store t-shirt find

found this tee at a thrift store in Baltimore. Kacie would have loved it! It is that really thin old t-shirt material she loved. Gary, would love to see those pics of Kacie's t-shirt collection.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Strange Chicken Dream

I had this dream this morning and have no idea where this one came from.

I had three pieces of chicken and I went outdoors and buried each piece in its own box filled with very black soil. Later on, I went outside again to look at the boxes and a young Kacie, maybe 8 or 9, was on her back next to the boxes and she was obviously very ill. I noticed a very bad rash on her stomach and she told me that she had eaten the dirt and the chicken. I scolded her for this and she accused me also of eating black dirt and then I woke up.

Go figure!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Short Telephone conversation

I had a great but sad dream very early this morning... I called Kacie on the phone.

She picked up and said "Hello."

I replied "Kacie!"

She said, "Heyyyyy. Isn't it funny we were thinking of each other at the exact same time?" Without giving me time to reply, she started going into detail about some new pre-made food she was baking in the oven. Then she stopped talking.

There was a pause. I was trying to say something it was hard to get the words out. Then I blurted, "I miss you!"

Immediately, I woke up and began to cry. Kresimir said he heard me say Kacie's name in my sleep. I am pretty sure that I also said "I miss you" out loud too. 

One of the things I miss the most about not having Kacie around is being able just to call her on a whim.... at anytime of day or night.... and we would talk about absolutely anything... sometimes nothing important.... just blabbing to waste time while we drive in the car... or talk about food... or to ask if she wanted to go to the grocery store with me... anything really. 

One of Kacie's favorite things to talk about was food. Whenever she called me and I was fixing dinner or eating dinner, she would say something like "Oh Yeh, tell me all about it!" She wanted to know all the details. I am sure a lot of you experienced this same conversation.

I wish I could have talked to her longer on the phone. It seems like a few of us will all have a few dreams around the same time period.... then she goes away for a while and then comes back. I wonder about that sometimes. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Day With Kacie

I had this dream early this morning. I took a day off from work and it was a Tuesday. Kacie was about seven or eight years old.

Kacie and I took a kayak trip to Daufuskie Island. This island is just across the intracoastal waterway from Hilton Head. As we approached the island, a hugh wave capsized our kayaks. We swam to shore and walked along the beach until we somehow got back to Hilton Head. People on the beach told us that they had heard us screaming as the big wave was approaching us. Kacie then took me shopping in the historic district of Ellicott City. From there we visited the row house where I spent my childhood in Catonsville. When we looked out from the second floor, I was surprised to see the ocean in the distance.

I can only remember a lot of laughter but nothing of our conversations. The interesting thing about the dream is that for several months I've been dreaming about walking through an old town and being dazzled by all of the historic buildings. I now realize that it was Ellicott City that I was visiting in my dreams.

Friday, May 22, 2009


I think this is the only picture I have of Kacie and me at the wedding. Is this the one you're talking about Nancy? If there is another one floating around somewhere I would love to see it! This is one of my favorite pictures. I have it in my room along with our Ocean City saloon girl picture and the one in the little gold frame from Amanda.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wedding Shots

5/21/06-where did those 3 years go?

May 21st

Dear Jeff,

Our hearts are with you especially today and everyday.


Nancy and Gary

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wedding Shots

A few more.

The "torture horse"

Does anyone remember the Tony Little Gazelle that Kacie had. I just thought about it and how she called it the torture horse. Made me laugh

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wedding Invitation

Please post your wedding pictures this week.

Pose Before The Wedding

All this week I will be posting wedding pictures. The flash ruins the picture so I will post many if the sun ever comes out and we have natural lighting.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bad Hair Day

She always had more hair than me.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


put this up for some smiles....this is my puppy eva. she is filthy from playing in the mud at the dog park. I wish Kacie could have met her. I know how much she loved puppies and animals in general.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good Looks

It never ceases to amaze me how blessed she was to have inherited my good looks.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Wedding Earrings

This is a good opportunity to let everyone know that from 5/17 - 5/23 we will be posting numerous wedding photos to celebrate Kacie and Jeff's wedding anniversary on 5/21. We hope that all the rest of you will join us in doing this with your photos.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Kacie and Frankie

I think Frankie Valli has Kacie in mind every time he sings this song.

Mother's Day Gifts

Hi guys,

what a nice suprise to get all the beautiful gifts and pictures. you really brightened my day.

i think of kacie today and everyday. Hope everyone enjoyed the day with their mom and im sure they know what great kids they have. you have somehow made me feel like we have become an extended family and your kindess and love for Kacie will never be forgotten.

Thanks again

xxxxooo to all.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy Mothers Day Nancy

hope you did something special today. glad you were able to go see your mom, recently. hope you are well. :)

Kacie's Sense of Humor

Kacie left this little scrap of paper in a Dolle's salt water taffy box from Ocean City, Md. She apparently cut in out of a magazine and if you knew Kacie well, you would know that it made her laugh hysterically.

One more....

This is one of my favorite pictures of her. The picture is in front of her apartment was when it first snowed after she moved back to Maryland.

Happy Mother's Day Nancy

Here are some more pics of Kacie. They are all from around the 2002 and 2003 timeframe.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Day 1997

Hard to believe-12 years ago.

Kacie's Ocean City Landmark

As you come across the bridge and first enter Ocean City, Md., the first thing to capture your attention is the huge marlin sculpture in the center of the fountain. Jeff and I scattered Kacie's ashes in this fountain so that you'll always think of her when arriving at her favorite resort.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Photo Booth

My guess is that these were taken in a booth on the boardwalk at Ocean City. Anyone know for sure?

The Story Cottage

Everyone knows that Kacie liked to hear or tell a great story. As she was growing up, I would get out this cottage at her bedtime and she and I would make up some great stories about the old man and little girl that lived inside. We had great stories about each room in the cottage and I think this really helped her to tell a good yarn later in life.

Photo booth sketch

Here is a picture from one of those photo booth's that sketches your picture. I guess I was trying to look scary or something and Kacie looks amazing as usual. Look in the bottom right corner of the picture, you might recognize the date "5/21/03." Exactly three years before we got married. I just noticed this the other day.

Also, Gary asked if I would post a picture of my neighborhood on this site. I like to take runs and walks along the fields and think about Kacie.

Monday, May 4, 2009

remembering Kacie

Hi, hope everyone is doing well.

If you have time, it would be great to see a favorite pic or favorite
memory you had with kacie. that would be a great mothers day gift!
Have a PB cup sunday or do something else fun in her memory.

Gary and I were thinking when you all have a weekend to spare, you might
want to come visit south kakalaki for the weekend. somebody try to coordinate this and let us know.

love ya, Nancy