Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kacie's Sense of Humor

Kacie left this little scrap of paper in a Dolle's salt water taffy box from Ocean City, Md. She apparently cut in out of a magazine and if you knew Kacie well, you would know that it made her laugh hysterically.


Natalie said...

this is a riot! haha. i never saw this. I wonder where she found it.

Natalie said...

i googled this text in quotes and I found the rest of the story. It was from Urbanite magazine, a local baltimore magazine. This quote was from a local writer. His information is at the bottom of the story. The rest of the story is even funnier. Enjoy!

"Summertime and close to noon. Dusty sunbeams sneaked through the cracks in the drawn blinds of the annex building that served as our kindergarten classroom.

We were using oversized pencils to trace the alphabet in our workbooks, just as the teacher had shown us. Like everyone else in the class, I happily followed the shape of the letters, copying and repeating, copying and repeating, filling up my little notebook. The heat caused sweat to curl down my brow and into my eyes. I blinked and wiped away its stinging saltiness with the back of my hand.

Then, I noticed the laughter. In my efforts to etch the perfect “G” I must have missed out on a great joke because the entire classroom bubbled with muffled giggles. I looked up in puzzlement in the direction of my “study buddy.” Tears had welled up in his eyes, and he pointed his extended index finger straight at me. He erupted in an escalating reel of laughter. The others followed suit. The teacher, who normally enforced the silent study time with a quick upward glare from the big desk at the head of the classroom, noticed the tiny pointing fingers.

Sweat fl owed unencumbered down my forehead onto my chest and into the white cotton ripples of my underwear. I looked up to meet my teacher’s disapproving face.

“What are you doing?” he said.

“The assignment,” I responded, proudly. “I’m almost done.”

“No, your clothes. Why are they folded on top of your desk and not on you?”

It was the stupidest question I had ever heard. “Because it’s hot.”

I was told to put my shirt and pants back on. I put down my pencil. Recess was called.

Two days and a parent-teacher conference later, I finally learned the error of my ways.

John Genakos graduated from St. Mary’s College of Maryland in 2000 and now works in down- town Baltimore. "

Here is the link I found it on if you want to read more.... I always tried to get Kacie to submit her writing to this magazine. They showcased local writers every month on a different topic. The topic this stoery was taken form was "nakedness"

Gary New said...

Great job. I never dreamed that I would find the source of this little scrap. I've opened Kacie's taffy box to read this silly thing many times over the last several months. It always gives me a lift because I can hear her laughing along with me.