Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Short Telephone conversation

I had a great but sad dream very early this morning... I called Kacie on the phone.

She picked up and said "Hello."

I replied "Kacie!"

She said, "Heyyyyy. Isn't it funny we were thinking of each other at the exact same time?" Without giving me time to reply, she started going into detail about some new pre-made food she was baking in the oven. Then she stopped talking.

There was a pause. I was trying to say something it was hard to get the words out. Then I blurted, "I miss you!"

Immediately, I woke up and began to cry. Kresimir said he heard me say Kacie's name in my sleep. I am pretty sure that I also said "I miss you" out loud too. 

One of the things I miss the most about not having Kacie around is being able just to call her on a whim.... at anytime of day or night.... and we would talk about absolutely anything... sometimes nothing important.... just blabbing to waste time while we drive in the car... or talk about food... or to ask if she wanted to go to the grocery store with me... anything really. 

One of Kacie's favorite things to talk about was food. Whenever she called me and I was fixing dinner or eating dinner, she would say something like "Oh Yeh, tell me all about it!" She wanted to know all the details. I am sure a lot of you experienced this same conversation.

I wish I could have talked to her longer on the phone. It seems like a few of us will all have a few dreams around the same time period.... then she goes away for a while and then comes back. I wonder about that sometimes. 

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