Monday, May 4, 2009

remembering Kacie

Hi, hope everyone is doing well.

If you have time, it would be great to see a favorite pic or favorite
memory you had with kacie. that would be a great mothers day gift!
Have a PB cup sunday or do something else fun in her memory.

Gary and I were thinking when you all have a weekend to spare, you might
want to come visit south kakalaki for the weekend. somebody try to coordinate this and let us know.

love ya, Nancy


Natalie said...

Hi Nancy,
I would love to come visit soon. Amanda are you going down that way anytime soon? Maybe we could tag together sometime this summer?

Nancy said...

sounds great. when you all can get away, let us know. this weekend we will be at my mom's, but any other weekend is good.

amanda said...

i do need to get down there sometime this summer.
My parents are coming up in may, but there's a possibility in June or July. I have a million weddings, but I would love to go down south.

Rissy said...

i'd love to go!! I've never been down that way and it would be amazing to see where Kacie spent so much time.