Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Gifts

Hi guys,

what a nice suprise to get all the beautiful gifts and pictures. you really brightened my day.

i think of kacie today and everyday. Hope everyone enjoyed the day with their mom and im sure they know what great kids they have. you have somehow made me feel like we have become an extended family and your kindess and love for Kacie will never be forgotten.

Thanks again

xxxxooo to all.


Natalie said...

Hi Nancy,
I think of you and Gary as family too. I will always be here for you two if you need anything. Glad you like your gifts from everyone. They look so pretty arranged together.

Rissy said...

Happy mother's day, Nancy. It's nice to think that a little family unit has been created all thanks to one person. I can just see her salivating over those scones right now! :)