Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Enchanted Forest Gets Stranger


We have many pictures of Kacie at the Enchanted Forest but my favorite will always be the one that I recently posted of Nancy holding Kacie in front of the crooked schoolhouse with the old school teacher in the yellow dress looking at Kacie. I can't remember what fairy tale this portrays but I do know that this is the same house that is in the picture that you just posted.

It's strange that you came across this picture in New York and I look at this picture on a regular basis in Kacie's room. It's always gives me a lift. I wonder if this house was moved to the farm in Howard County with many of the other structures.

1 comment:

Gary New said...

Amazingly, this exhibit has survived and is now at Clark's Farm in Howard County. I found it on their website and it is called the L'il Red School House.