Sunday, November 22, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

These are quotations from Kacie's diary that obviously told a lot about her.


Vincent said...

The last quotation is (surprisingly for me to see) lyrics from a Soundgarden song titled Zero Chance. I say surprising because Kacie used to always make fun of me for listening to them, although she really liked the song Blow Up the Outside World from the same album and would play it several times whenever I had that cd in my car. I do remember Kacie telling me after she got satellite radio in her car that there was a station that played a lot of Soundgarden and that they were starting to grow on her...i guess this was a song she liked

Natalie said...

I am not sure if Kacie knew at the time where this quote came from (the soundgarden one). In 9th grade and throughout highschool but exspecially while Kacie was still living in MD... Her and I among others, Lisa Marshall, Shannon, Nikki, Michelle were all obsessed with quote collecting. We all had books and books filled with them and we would write them on our jeans and arms and backpacks and binders... anything to express ourselves!! with all the passion we all had inside during the age of crazy hormones and emotions. I specifically remember this Soundgarden quote...but i did not even know that it was a Soundgarden quote but I remember us writing it everywhere. Maybe she knew it was a soundgarden quote. maybe not.But I definetly dont remember us listening to Soundgarden during that time of our lives. I definetly do remember Kacie and I makin fun of vince for liking soungarden.. hahahaha. I definetly remember us doing that many a times. hahaha. Kacie was great at making fun of anything and everything, but one of the reasons she got away with doing it so much to others was because she was also excellent at totally making fun of herself beyond humiliation and she loved it. She was great at making people laugh even if it was at her own expense. I remember when Kacie and Vince first met (I had known Vince from high school, Kacie never knew him in high school) Anyways, at the time one of Vince's favorite outfits to wear was cargo khacki shorts, a bright yellow long sleeve pullover fleece and suede workerboots like Timberlands. Kacie thought this was a riot, fashion sense wise, haha, and never let Vince live this outfit down and would make fun of him for it for many years to come along with the Soundgarden reference. But remember she only spent her precious time making fun of those whom she loved so much. And I think everyone who reads this blog knows exactly what I mean.