Tuesday, November 17, 2009

strange enchanted forest experience

so last week I was in New York all week for work. I was staying at the Hampton Inn in Yonkers. About 30 mins outside of downtown. Anyways, the hotel was brand spanking new and they had black and white photos decorating the whole place. Each Room number had a different small photo with the number. They were all very americana. They had some larger ones around with little sayings next to them. I had been working 14 hour days and was just so tired. I got into the elevator to start another day of work (ugh!) and the elevator door slides closed. There was a photo of it looked like a life size doll house with children. Next to it a saying, "FairyWell my Friend" Then in small type it says where the picture was from and no kidding it says Enchanted forest of Ellicott City, MD. I couldn't believe my eyes! We had just been talking about that place and I was all the way in Yonkers.... what did they have this for. I think it was a message from Kacie.


Natalie said...

i just was looking at the other pictures posted from before and i think the picture of Nancy holding Kacie up is at the same dollhouse. Its hard to tell but the shutter looks like at the right height and everything.

Nancy said...

This gave me cold chills, you really have some of the most amazing experiences!! It just like our boating trip and seeing Sweet Pea.

Jeff said...

I was just looking at both pictures and I think it is the same house. This is amazing