Friday, April 3, 2009

Old Kacie picture

Here is a picture of Kacie when she first got her car. I think Gary took this picture the first day she got her first carolla. I remember telling Kacie I really liked the picture so she framed it and gave it to me. She also left a message on the back. She used to call me monkey back in the day.


Gary New said...

I remember taking this picture in front of our house. It's strange how everything had a green tint to it.

Kacie actually wanted an old Volvo that we had seen here on the island but I talked her into the Corolla.

By the way, she had three accidents in this car within several weeks. She ran into a moving car on the school parking lot, ran into the side of a car while merging on to the highway here on the island and came home another time with a big dent down the side of the car and wouldn't give me an explanation.

Nancy said...

thats a great picture, thanks.
she had so many nicknames for everybody she cared about.

Natalie said...

jeff, its kinda hard to tell... is that you in the passenger seat? i remember this pic well. when did kacie give it to you? i think i remember it in her sunflower picture album

amanda said...

I'm pretty sure that's me hanging out in the passenger seat! It's hard to tell but I think so.

Jeff said...

That is Amanda. She gave this to me a long time ago because it was still in the frame that she gave it to me in. I know the picture album you are talking about, maybe she had two copies?

Gary New said...

Panda,that is you in the picture. I really taking the picture that day and how upset Kacie was with being photographed and she didn't like the car. Notice her half smiling and half frowning expression. It reminds me of the Mona Lisa painting. It's not easy to do.