Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Video Dream

I had this dream early this morning.

I walked into a crowded room and Kacie was there, as an adult, filming people with my new Nikon Coolpix digital camera. I watched her and noticed that she was simply aiming the camera at her subjects and not using the viewing screen . She explained that she didn't like using the viewer and preferred her way. She then asked me how to remove the memory chip from the camera and I told her that I had no idea and she disappeared.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That sounds just like Kacie. She always had "her way" of doing things. haha. Sometimes her way did not always make sense but she always made it work. :) I remember when she got sirius radio on her geo prism. She bought it while I was away in Europe. I came home and she had installed the whole thing herself. She told me she should have waited for me to help her but she was too excited to get it working before I came back to the states. She had installed it with electrical tape and the wire was going outside the car and in through the window.... to put it lightly it was a little bit "ghetto" haha. I laughed hysterically when I saw her installation job and she just sighed and shrugged then we laughed together. It didn't work quite right and always had static on some channels. Soon after that she got the new car which had everything built in and she was stoked.