Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Unlimited Possibilites For Kacie's Website

Nancy and I are going to get a digital camera this weekend so that I can photograph things and places that relate to Kacie's life and put them on her website. We have thousands of her personal items from her birth, childhood, teen years and adult years. Her bedroom is just full with toys, pictures, music, art, diaries, clothes, schoolwork, etc. that really tell her life story. I also plan to photograph her favorite places here on the island and the areas where I've scattered her ashes. My rough plan is to put maybe a dozen pictures on the site each week with the hope that these will stir some memories that we can comment on. There is enough material to keep the site going for many years. Chronological order would be just about impossible because of the amount of material. A video of her room is a possibility.

I need ideas. What would you like to see most of all? Where do I begin?


Jeff said...

I would like to see any piece of artwork she made, even from when she was a child. I really liked the one about Sam.

Natalie said...

i am with jeff. would love to see artwork. would love to read some more of her writing too. scanned in? stories, poems. i am in love with the idea of it not being chronological, then it feels even more endless.... because we are constantly jumping around memory to memory. if that makes sense?
would love to see old home videos too. have you converted them to dvd yet?
"cheetos, 2 bags."