Wednesday, October 15, 2008

another grocery store find.

I was in Whole Foods today and I came across another Kacie memory. She loved this chocolate. Kacie always was a sucker for cute package design but the chocolate is actually really good too. It also comes with a love poem inside. I am pretty sure she gave a couple of these as gifts to a few valentines. I bought the dark chocolate with rasberry and it is out of this world. 


Rissy said...

we use to eat those at roots!!! i actually just found out last week that they built another Roots near my house. I've been going there a lot. and every time i go in...just the makes me think of her. i remember my interview there when the owner asked me all kinds of questions about quinoa (sp?). kacie and i used to laugh about it all the time...about how crazy everyone that worked there was. we always ended up going back though.

Gary New said...

Nancy and I will check the health foods stores on the island this weekend and buy as many as we can.

IrenetheBean said...

I this chocolate. I bought two bars the other day. Sea salt almond, i mean, just wow. I got them because they were weton sale and the thought of having no chocolate in the house was disturbing. Had no idea about the love poems.

Here it is...
"If You But Knew"

If you but knew
How all my days seemed filled with dreams of you,
How sometimes in the silent night
Your eyes thrill through me with their tender light,
How oft i hear your voice when others speak,
How you 'mid other forms i seek -
Oh, love more real than though such dreams were true
If you but knew.

Could you but guess
How you alone make all my happiness
How i am more than willing for your sake
To stand alone, give all and nothing take,
Nor chafe to think you bound while i am free,
Quite free, (still yet), to love you silently,
Could you but guess...