Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Finally another dream...

I had a dream last night... a wonderful dream with Kacie. I had a dream that there was some kind of medical miracle and Kacie had come back. I was calling everyone on my phone to tell them Kacie was back. We all met her at some sort of resturaunt. I remember when I got there Kacie was standing talking to Lisa Marshall and I think maybe her husband. I basically screamed when I saw her and we both ran and gave each other a hug. A really long hug and I didnt want to let go. I remember while we were hugging I was so excited she was back I started talking so fast trying to tell her all these things she had missed. I don't remember what I said... but I remember being able to really feel the hug. Then we were walking around the resturaunt place... no one was there that I had called except for Lisa earlier in the dream. I remember telling Kacie that I had become good friends with Larissa and that I also talk to her parents all the time and have become good friends with them too. She seemed at peace when I was telling her these things. Then we hugged again and I said to her wow I never got so many "kdiz" hugs from you before and she said "I know." That is kind of all I remember. She also looked great... I remember her looking just like the recent picture Jeff put up from on the way to Texas. The one where she is outside holding Royal. Her skin looked so bright and glowing and I think she was wearing a similair outfit.
It seems to be in a lot of the dreams I have with Kacie I am always hugging her not wanting to ever let go. I can literally feel the tension in my dreams between my arms and almost like I am locking my body trying to hold her so she can't get away. 

I really miss her. It has been a hard week for me. I have been thinking of her a lot.


Jeff said...

Its been a hard week for me too. Ever since I looked up those pictures, it really hit me hard again realizing what a beautiful and amazing person she was.

Nancy said...

Wow Natalie, what a great dream.
I would love to have just one dream like that. Ive had 3 dreams in a row of her, but i just dont remember them. I would love to hug her, just once. I would also love to see her, just once.

Its also been a very hard week for me, like all of us are having. I plan to keep busy this weekend. Its so hard to believe she would have been 25 years old this Saturday. She was born at Sinai Hospital (MD) on October 4, 1983, at 9:16 p.m.and weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. The rest is history. I have so many great memories. She was truly unique, and one of a kind. I miss her so much.