Saturday, October 11, 2008

blowing your nose

Did anyone else ever get yelled at for blowing your nose in front of Kacie? I was never allowed to. I had to go in the other room. Haha. She was disgusted by this. She would sometimes even ask me to run the water so she didn't have to hear it. Ha. However, she was allowed to pass gas in front of me whenever and however many times she wanted. Haha. I also was not allowed to rub my eyes. I think she thought I was getting eye goo on my hands or something.


Rissy said...

hahaha. as i was reading the first part (and agreeing with you completely), i was thinking "but kacie farted ALL the time!!" and then you said it! she was a notorious passer of gas. she'd always call them "stinkies."

Jeff said...

I dont remember her hassling me about blowing my nose but there were plenty of other things she hated. One of the worst was biting my fingernails. I am really, really bad about it and told her she had free reign to slap the crap out of me when she caught me doing it because I was trying to quit. She really hit me hard in the face. Even when I was driving. It was hilarious. That was along the lines of her doing the finger in the mouth when your yawning thing.

Nancy said...

Yep, i remember how disgusting she thought that was, but she was famous for her stinkies. I think we called her Kacie Bean at one time.