Sunday, October 26, 2008

kacie dream!!

Had a dream about Kacie last night. Kacie and I were sitting in the audience of a political fundraiser and John McCain was giving a speech, and he started yelling at someone in the audience for falling asleep.

Kacie was sitting a few seats across from me and I remember she just started talking and talking but i don't remember what she was saying.

She then came over to me and started pulling up a piece of her hair telling me she was thinking of fixing it a certain way. Her hair was longer in my dream.

Then she started telling me how she couldn't find this or she couldn't find that.
I don't remember what she was looking for.

After that, Kacie started to tell me she was thinking of asking some of her friends to move in with her. I think she was talking about Mimi's house, because she appeared to look like she had most recently.

This is the first dream that Ive have had of her that she talked to me, i really saw her, and she looked most like she did recently. Im sorry to say that after that, I woke up in the middle of the night, but it was a great dream.


Natalie said...

I am so glad you were able to finally have a dream with Kacie. I was thinking about this the other day... that I have not had one of her in a while. Hopefully I will have another one soon too.

Jeff said...

Kacie at a McCain rally, she must have been protesting him. Haha

amanda said...

haha- Jeff. That was my first thought too.

Vincent said...

when i was delivering pizza last last week or the week before i was driving by kacie's old apt. in sykesville and looked up and saw an obama/biden poster in the window. i would imagine that is who she would have voted for so it was nice to see it in the window.

Natalie said...

actually kacie in the past had always proclaimed herself a libertarian. The last election between bush and kerry she did not vote in. That would have been the first she could have voted in. She had kind of a cynical point of view on all politicians. Not that I don't. ha.