Sunday, October 26, 2008


halloween is approaching and I can not help but think of Kacie. Her and I liked to always dress up as something together for halloween. We had numerous costumes... such as...
1. cowboy and indian- she was the cowboy and i was the indian. I don't have any photos of this costume. I know Lisa was with us this night. Lisa do you have any photos of Kacie that night? We all went to Fells Point
2. thelma and louise- this was an easy one for Kacie and I . We pretty much wore what we wore everyday but just added our big sunglasses, a scarf over our head and toy guns borrowed from my younger brother
3. rich chicks- this was a good one we dressed up with gaudy jewlry and bought little stuffed dogs and carried them around in our purses.
4. rag dolls- those are the ones with the rosy cheeks and pigtails

I know we had some other costumes... I just can't remember what they were...


Jeff said...

I remember a Halloween Kacie and I spent together in Hilton Head. Kacie always enjoyed my neices company. It's funny because she always claimed she hated kids but whenever she was around kids she actually knew, she was great with them! Well anyways, we wanted to take my niece trick or treating and she had some fairy wings. I have no idea where she found them. Kacie wore green wings and I wore black wings......that's embarrassing....

amanda said...

hahah. The rag dolls are adorable! I hadn't see those before.

Natalie said...

Last year I was not able to spend Halloween with Kacie. Her and Lindsey tried coming down to the city and were planning on meeting me but due to the traffic and lack of parking they decided to just go home. I didnt have the pleasure of seeing her costume last year but I know she dressed as a "hot nerd." (she called it) I think she wore glasses and a plaid skirt with a button up shirt or something like that. If you are out there Lindsey do you have any pictures of this?

Nancy said...

thanks for all the great pictures and memories Natalie. I had never seen them before, and really enjoyed seeing them.

also, the Art pics. are totally awesome & very creative.

Anonymous said...

I remember the cowgirl/indian night like it was YESTERDAY. I had brusies for days from kacie grabbing my wrists like she always liked to do! Unfortunately if you remember Nat, I met that guy Jeff at Rodos that night n we ended up dating for a coup months. The disposible camera that I had that night got left at his apartment. There is a chance that it still exists tho cause we did end on really good terms, I'll do some sleuthing to see if I can find him!

Natalie said...

Lisa it would be awesume if you could get that camera. There might be some great memories on it.

I also remembered another costume Kacie and I did. Her, Vince and I went to a party at Leah Burger's house and I am pretty sure Lisa was there too. Kacie wore a kimono that I have had for years and dressed as a geisha girl. We painted her face white with lots of blush and did her eyemakeup. I dressed as a 50's housewife / Stepford wife and Vince dressed up as a character off the Dave Chapelle show (comedian). I don't have any pictures of this either.... I dont know if Lisa does... or maybe Jason Dillon... I remember him being there too. Maybe you could ask him Lisa. Maybe Leah does. It has been a while since I talked to her.

Natalie said...

the geisha costume was also really funny for kacie because from time to time people mistaked her for being asian or half asian. she thought that was hysterical

Anonymous said...

That was a great night too! I was there, and def remember kacies geisha girl costume! I was the usual uncreative black and hot pink cat that i was everrrrry year. I will def talk to Jason and Leah and see if they have any pictures. I'm thinking that this was the time that I was friends with Megan Miller and I'm remebering her having a camera... I will ask Leah if she could talk to her too.