Monday, October 13, 2008

Just Call Me Whitey

About one month after Kacie died, I began to see white blotches forming all over my body. It looked like my suntan was falling off. Finally, I went to a dermatologist and I was I diagnosed with a rare disease in which my body has stopped producing pigmentation. Believe it or not, Michael Jackson has the same disease and that's why he dyed his skin white. There is no cure and the disease persists for life. The sun greatly increases the spread of this stuff so I will have to avoid getting a burn or even a slight tan. The doctor told me that this disease is often brought on by shock or severe depression. Good grief. I live on a beautiful sunny island and have to stay indoors.

To change the subject, I have seriously decided to never have another drink of alcohol of any type. Nancy and I had absolutely no idea that Kacie had drinking issues. If I had known, I would have insisted that she would never have another drink. So, in Kacie's memory, I promise that I will never have another drink. Whenever I have the desire, I will think of her and move on.

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