Tuesday, October 21, 2008

condiment queen!






Although Kacie definitely had distinct taste for all sorts of food when it came down to it she really loved the simple things. These were basically her 4 food groups. 

I also have a funny story about Ketchup. It happened a long time ago when Kacie and I lived together in Meadow Ghetto of Catonsville. Nancy and Gary were in town. Nancy took Kacie to BJ'S or Sam's club. Some kind of big wholesale club. Kacie came back with 2 huge GALLON size containers of Ketchup. One of them she dropped in the hallway on the way in. Ketchup went EVERYWHERE! But Kacie did not clean it up. She figured it was the maintenance guys job to do. The ketchup sat and sat for weeks in that hallway. No one EVER cleaned it up. Eventually it just turned into grudge on the floor. We actually had a running bet of how long it would take before someone cleaned it up. On another occasion... Margo peed on one of the couches we had in the living room. It was actually Jeff's couch from Ikea that he gave to us when he moved or something. There was nothing we could do to get the pee smell out. So we threw the couch away. We put it outside next to the dumpster. We also had a running bet on how many days it would take before the couch got snatched up by someone. It too, sat there for weeks! I think she won the bet I thought it would have been gone sooner. People often dumped there furniture outside by the dumpsters in that neighborhood... a lot of times I think it was people getting evicted. I remember her and I had found a few dumpster treasures from time to time.


Jeff said...

I remember when Nancy bought Kacie a giant bottle of ketchup from Sam's as a house warming gift when Kacie first moved back to Baltimore from Hilton Head.

Nancy said...

i remember buying the ketchup too. that's a great story about her spilling ketchup in the hallway! Sounds like something she would do and then leave it there. she told me about the time you had to call the maintenance guys at Meadow getto about the plumbing, and she said you ended up with your toilet in the bathtub for a few days. she said you both called and yelled at them about it. you have a lot of great stories about all the predicaments she could get herself into. Do you all remember the story about the Chatham Gardens apartment stalker??

Anonymous said...

I def remember the ketchup, it was still there when kacie moved out when we were at flip flopped points in our lives, and even still there when I signed the lease over to mike, one of kacies favorite "wigs" as she would call them.