Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last night I went to Caraba's. This was a place Kacie liked to go. Everytime we went there they amost always sat us in the same booth. Kacie's favorite dish there was the Chicken Bryan. I ofcourse ordered that and it was I think the best Chicken Bryan I ever had. We also use to love the bread and olive oil they give you in the beginning too. I think her and Larissa use to go there a lot too.  Anyone else have any Caraba's memories? I think she said that she learned about the Chicken Bryan from a friend of hers from Hilton Head, is this true?


Rissy said...

we probably went to outback more than we went to carabas (they're right next to each other in columbia). and of course kacie was notorious for ALWAYS ordering the victoria filet with the horseradish crown.

one of the last times we went there, it was packed, so we sat at the bar. It was like 10 or 10:30 at night, and after a few minutes, this woman and her 3 kids sits down next to us!! kacie was good with kids when she wanted to be...but definitely not when food was involved! they were so loud and she just kept scooting her stool closer to me.

Nancy said...

We also had some great meals together at Carrabas while we were still living in MD. When moved to south kakalaki, she got so excited when she found out they had opened one in Savannah, we would make a special trip just for Carrabas.

I remember, when she was younger, she used to LOVE the vegetable soup there and would order it all the time. One time, she decided to ask them if they cooked their soup with meat, and they did, so being a strict vegetarian at the time, she just stopped ordering it.

Ironically, just about a year ago,
they opened one here on Hilton Head, right around the corner from us. Im going to have to go have the Chicken Bryan in her honor.

amanda said...

We used to ALWAYS drive to Savannah to go to the one there. Back then, she was a vegetarian and always ordered the tagliarini picchi pacchiu
However Kacie pronounced it taglarini picky PACUUU like it was a pokemon character.
I also started ordering that when I go there, its very simple garlicy-basily pasta, but so good.

Nancy said...

Thanks for telling me about the other dish she ordered Amanda. That one sounds real good too and I will definitely try it.