Monday, September 22, 2008

Two Dreams

Last night I had the following two dreams.

In the first one, Kacie and I were sitting in a doctor's waiting room. We didn't speak and the nurse called me in to get a shot. After she gave it to me, there was some confusion about how much she should charge me. After we resolved the problem, I went back into the waiting room and Kacie was sitting there. She looked about ten years old.

In my second dream, we were living in my mother's house in Catonsville. Kacie and her friends were running through the neighborhood and there were dogs everywhere. Suddenly I realized that I hadn't seen Kacie in a while. I ran up and down the streets calling her name and was told by a group of four kids that she was washing her clothes in a neighbor's house. When I entered the house someone was sleeping in bed on the first floor. So I went to the basement and Kacie was asleep in a chair next to the washing machine. She opened her eyes and smiled. Again, she appeared to be about ten years old.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Thats good you are still having dreams of her. The only ones I really have, I either don't remember or are nightmares.