Sunday, September 28, 2008

Many, many Kacie pics

Today I talked to Gary on the phone and I talked about posting the treasure trove of Kacie pictures I had on my old computer. I have been reluctant to look at them because I knew it would be difficult. After I talked to Gary, I had some motivation to look through my old computer and find a whole bunch of pictures of Kacie. I also have some underwater photos of the Cayman Islands. Here is the link to all the pictures

Here are a few of my favorites......hope you enjoy them....

...and here is the video Gary requested....


Natalie said...

oh my god jeff! thank you so much for sharing these photos. are there any more? i just can't get enough of them. kacie looks so beautiful... and some of them made me laugh and cry at the same time seeing her make funny faces.

Rissy said...

the pictures are great! the video is too...although it provided me with my kacie-cry-of-the-day. i love the picture with baby royal. and the cowboy boot one is classic kacie.

i think the pictures are long gone now, but i used to have a whole bunch of her posing with that creepy statue down at lake front. the one of the guy, and i think some kids. we were being obnoxious one night years ago, and kacie was sticking cigarettes in his hand and posing really ridiculously with him. i was hoping i'd find them on my old computer, but they weren't there.

Jeff said...

I know what you mean, I spent a majority of my day crying looking at these but they also gave me somewhat of a lift.

Gary New said...

Great photos! Nancy and I would like to have some negatives to make framed pictures.

The video was wonderful.

Jeff said...

Most of the pictures are digital so you should be able to purchase the good quality ones from the Kodak site. I'll see if I can duplicate the negatives I have for the Cayman Islands and Jamaica ones or just send you the ones I have.

Nancy said...

Thanks Jeff, the pictures were just great.