Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tea and the asian mart

inside of produce department at Han Ah Reum Asian mart on Rolling Road.

I saw Nancy asked about Teas Kacie liked.  I remember her loving the english brekfast tea but I don't remember the brand. I do however remember other teas she liked.

For the wedding favors she bought loose tea from Teavana. We made the teabags and tags on them ourselves. Larissa helped with this too. The tea she bought was called "Rooibos Sweet Amore" She liked the tea because of the name and also because it had rose petals in the tea. You can still buy the tea at teavana locations and you can also order it online on the teavana website at
It also is reallllly good tea.

Kacie also loved Jasmine tea. In particular she would always buy some from the Asian Mart by Mimi's house. I was at the asian mart about a week ago and bought some. It is called YamaMotoYama Jasmine Tea. It sometimes is written in asian carictures. but always has the same package design.

While I was at the Asian Mart I also picked up some other favorite things of Kacies. She loved the house packaged Spicy tofu from there. She also introduced me to Shirataki noodles. They are noodles made out of tofu. They taste like noodles though. It was amazing to her because it was a low carb way to eat as much pasta as she wanted.

She also had another diet Tea that she she liked to drink. She called it "Ballerina tea" It can only be bought at the asian mart. Basically it is a dietary tea that just makes your body completely detox and burn fat. But the secret is.... it makes you poop... ALOT! and its really gross... I am sure some of you may have heard stories about it from Kacie. She was never shy with that. I remember when she was working at Nordstrom she had all the girls there sold on the idea of this tea and they were all going to the asian mart to buy it for their diet. It was hysterical. Kacie was always so persuasive. 

We also had a long running joke that everytime you would go to the asian mart you would almost get into an accident in your car atleast 3x before you even got into the store... and getting out was just as scary. There were always sooooo many people in the parking lot it was a nuthouse. The inside of the store is also just as cramped. Never the less it was all worth it for the tea and tofu. :)


Jeff said...

Thats hilarious about the poop tea. I can imagine a whole shift of people calling out of work.

The accident joke is sooo true. Across the street, I got into an accident at Wal-Mart but get this.....I wasn't even driving! I got into my car after leaving Wal-Mart, I had just gotten into the car and hadn't even got my keys in the ignition when BANG! This lady had hit me on the drivers side. I looked left and there was another car in my face. Kacie had to come pick me up and take me to my apartment.

Nancy said...

Thanks for telling me about all the teas she liked. She could just about talk anyone into going anywhere with her, even if it meant getting into an accident. She took me to the Asian market too and we bought some of those noodles that were yummy. The Ballerina (poop) tea story made me laugh. Youre right- Kacie would tell it like it is. That was hillarious how she liked Bingo and tea time.

Jeff said...

Asian Mart and Wal-Mart in Catonsville are like playing a real life game of Grand Theft Auto the video game. Which Kacie loved to play by the way.