Sunday, September 21, 2008

Orangish Reddish Brown

This morning, I was going through Kacie's books and came across one of my favorites, Atlas Shrugged. At page 90, she had inserted a paint chip card that she was using as a book mark. It was from Home Depot and showed four shades of paint ranging from orange to burgundy. The one that caught my attention was red jalapeno 190D-6. This is Kacie's favorite color. These are Behr Premium Plus paint colors.

After laboring through More Die Of Heartbreak, Atlas Shrugged would be really refreshing. After finding this marker, the book will have special meaning for me.

Would anyone like to read this next?


Rissy said...

i remember when kacie and i moved into our townhouse in columbia. she had the master bedroom and wanted to paint it her favorite shade of orangeredbrown. if i remember correctly, i think the color she ended up picking was from some Disney collection of paint.

Jeff said...

Now that I am settled into an apartment, I will continue reading the book and update the other blog soon. I would love to read Atlas Shrugged next.

Jeff said...

Oh yeah, and for the orangish color, kacie bought orange and brown things for our apartment when she lived in Texas. I still have the orange oven mitt and brown kitchen towels.

Anonymous said...

The color reminds me of the lipstick colors that only Kacie could seem to pull off. She always had those orangey brown shades that looked terrible in the tube, but awesome on her mouth.

Natalie said...

I am down for Atlas Shrugged.

Natalie said...

I am down for Atlas Shrugged.