Tuesday, September 2, 2008

grocery shopping with kacie

Kacie and I really made it an event going grocery shopping together. She loved Martin's grocery store in Eldersburg and even would go grocery shopping out there when she was living in catonsville. Kacie always made fun of me at the grocery store because she said I took forever. Which everyone else tells me too. But it didn't seem to keep her from going with me to the store. 
Today I was in the grocery store and I came about a shelf full of Panda brand licorice. She loved this stuff. Does anyone else remember her buying this stuff? They are little bite size licorice. She liked the red kind. I think she use to buy them at either Roots or the Asian Mart. Anyway, I saw them today at Shoppers Warehouse. I never really liked them. Kresimir really likes them though.
I also remember Kacie going crazy grocery shopping for Mimi. She said Mimi would call her like once every couple days asking her to get "1 banana, 2 lean cuisine frozen meals" Mimi would never let her just buy 10 lean cuisine meals at a time. Haha. I think Mimi just wanted to have as much of Kacie's company as she could get. 


Gary New said...

I always loved Kacie's stories about taking Mimi to the grocery store. Mimi always tried to make it an all day ordeal. Kacie said that she could stand in front of an item and stare at it for a half hour before making her selection.

Vincent said...

I can remember Kacie telling me about her shopping trips for, and with, Mimi and how it always ended up being such a fiasco. The day I took Kacie to the hospital I met her at her house in Catonsville and she said she had to go to the grocery store "real quick" for Mimi, and asked if I would come because it would only take a minute. Realizing that it would take much longer, I decided to take advantage of the time required for her to complete her shopping trip
and clean out my car so it wouldn't be such a mess for the trip to the hospital. I think I cleaned my car for about an hour and a half to two hours before Kacie finally met me at Barnes and Noble and we left on our way to the hospital. I kinda wish I had gone with her now, although, my car was in need of a serious cleaning. So it was time well spent. On another note, I'm pretty sure I was responsible for turning Kacie on to Martin's. I used to go there to do my grocery shopping when I first moved to Meadow Ghetto and Kacie took a liking to the place. I can't say I remember her getting those licorice, but I can remember her always getting microwavable spicy tofu and rice from the Asian mart on rt.40. It made for a nice little meal.

amanda said...

When we lived on Hilton Head, we were both a bit too young for actual grocery shopping. However, some of you may remember Kacie having a huge crush on the guy behind the counter at Publix's sushi counter. She would always make me go in there to get subs or sushi so she could walk past him. She ate there so much that she eventually got so sick of sushi I'm not sure she ever ate it again!

Nancy said...

Yes, i remember all the times Kacie called telling me about her shopping trips with and for Mimi.
I think Natalie's right, she also wanted to see Kacie.

I remember Kacie loving Twizzlers strawberry or cherry flavor. That's neat the Panda twizzlers.

You're right. she would make a special trip for Martins.