Monday, March 30, 2009

another kacie original

   this is a small collage Kacie made me for my birthday. I think I talked about it at some point earlier in the blog. She made this for me when she was living in San Antonio and sent it in the mail to me. It was one of the first times in years she wasn't with me on my birthday. I keep this collage up on a bookshelf that I have her picture, a seahorse painting i did, and an ocean city souvenir. I am not sure what book the text is from but it is something about egypt. It also sounds like it is talking about life in general ... "life giving elements"... "change of the seasons"

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hey Natalie,
thanks for showing us this. its hard to describe it but i get a funny feeling when i see her handwriting.
She really liked making things especially for the people she loved!!