Thursday, March 12, 2009

Name The Boat Contest

Beebs and I bought a little boat with a big motor. We should get delivery within the next week.

We have a problem. What should we name it? I'd like to have the name painted on both sides and we want a name that will give us a happy memory of Kacie.

Possibilites so far are- Sweetpea, O.C., Stinkpot, and K&J. Any suggestions? Maybe the name of a favorite food, place, or person?


Jeff said...
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Jeff said...

Haha, I forgot about naming and painting the boat. I like Sweetpea. It sounds like a boat name too. Anything that relates to Ocean City sounds good too. I am not very creative with names. Maybe "Sea of Love" like her favorite song by Cat Power?

Natalie said...


What a great idea! Kacie would have loved this idea! She loved everything nautical. Maybe you could paint a ship's wheel on the side? Or an anchor? She loved those two symbols.
As far as names go.... hmmmm..... I like Sweetpea and Stinkpot. Or you could call it "Little Stinker" hehe. Since you said it is a little boat with a big motor.... and Kacie always use to make us laugh with her comments like "Oops Mommy made a little stinker"
I think she would get a real kick out of that name, but she would definitely like the others too. So really you can't go wrong.