Wednesday, March 11, 2009


today was a very long day. vince and i took off work and met up with Larissa later on in the day. We started our morning out at Jimmy's diner in Fells Point. This was a favorite place of Kacie's. The food was cheap and good.
you can see in the window their logo is a anchor.... Kacie loved anything nautical.
 it was an overcast day in fells point, but the temperature was nice, in the 50's.
 a random "k" i walked by in fells point. After Jimmy's we visited Soundgarden (in fells point as well) This was Kacie's favorite music store. Vince bought an Elliott Smith cd, one of Kacie's faves.
we went to river road later that day and the carving still looks great, Jeff!

two little love-water-bugs amidst circles :)

some more artistic shots from river rd.

after river road vince and I made a brief trip to visit mimi and we brought her a coke from McDonald's. Just like Kacie used to do for her. We sat out on the front porch and talked for a while and then she had to go to dinner. She said that Jeff had tried to call her several times today and she kept missing him. If you haven't gotten ahold of her yet Jeff, shes really looking forward to talking to you. 
later we met up with larissa at Friendly's in catonsville for dinner and the famous peanut-butter-cup sundae. We also could not resist but to ask fro crayons and color sheets.
 larissa and i both ordered the "sliders munchie mania" kacie would have been impressed. it came with 2 sliders, cheese and bacon waffle fries with sour cream and the cutest little mozzarella sticks i have ever seen. it was delicious...
vince went for the more modest chicken finger platter :)

and then ofcourse we ended the meal with the famous peanut butter sundae.... and it was just like I remembered. Hope all of you had one too. Wish Kacie was here to share it with us. Sorry they probably don't have Friendly's in Germany ,Jeff.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

i remember kacie telling me that she had seen jimmy's on the food network when she was living in hilton head and that's how she discovered it. years ago we used to go there often and i remember this one time we pulled into a parking spot right in front and as we were stepping out of the car this little old lady in a shrill voice yelled out to us "hey, what are crazy!" you would have had to hear it in person to fully appreciate it. kacie and i always got a kick out of that incident. apparently she had been waiting for the spot (but she was just stopped along the curb) as we pulled in. i'm pretty sure nobody would have thought she was waiting for it, no turn signals or anything like that. at any rate we just got in and found another spot. As for elliott smith, if it weren't for kacie i don't know if i would have ever got into him. he is by far one of my favorites. after i bought my first album by him i quickly went and got the rest within a years time. there was only one album left that i didn't have and had been putting off buying it since no new albums can be made. i wanted to have something new of his to listen to and i figured the other day was a good day to finally get it. for a long time he was all i listened to and kacie would joke with me that i was obsessed. i remeber one of the last times kacie, natalie and i hung out we went to get a bite to eat after an opening at a gallery natalie worked at at the time. i had my ipod and had just uploaded some perviously unreleased songs by elliott smith that kacie had never heard up until that point. she really enjoyed listening to them.