Thursday, March 12, 2009


I just want to thank everyone for visiting her favorite spots and doing her favorite things. The pictures were great and I especially enjoyed the initials in the rock and the river scene. That will always be a destination for me when I visit Baltimore. Hopefully, the initials on the jetty are as well preserved.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hey Gary and Nancy,
Just wanted to let you know unfortunately we won't be going down to Ocean City this weekend. Amanda is going to come to Baltimore for the day on Sunday and we plan on going out to tea again, one of Kacie's favorite places to eat. I also wanted to show her River Rd. since she hasn't seen it yet. We all are planning on waiting till Spring sets in a little more before we make a trip back down to OC. It is supposed to be cold this weekend, but it should warm up soon. The next time we go down we will definitely set up a time to do the camera on the boardwalk again. Glad you guys got the flowers and I am gonna have to come down and get a ride on that boat

Are you still thinking about Germany trip?