Monday, January 26, 2009


Kacie once told me her favorite flower was Daffodils. She had talked about having them as the flowers at her wedding but I think she decided against them because the bright yellow didn't really go with the theme and the bridesmaids dresses. I was thinking about maybe planting some by the rock on River road on the side. I am not exactly the smartest at gardening. I have struggled keeping plants alive all my life. Even cactuses. Is there anyone else out there whom has advice on this? Or would want to help me plant them?


Gary New said...

A great idea.

Daffodils are easy. Plant them in the sun and they need lots of water like next to a river. The bulbs will keep producing for many years. Plant the bulbs atleast three inches deep.

I would help you if I could get up there but it could be several months. Get a bag of bulbs at Wal Mart and there will be instructions for your area.

Please post pictures as they grow.

Nancy said...

Hey Natalie.
I remember her telling me that too.
They are beautiful flowers and what a nice idea to plant them at River Road.
I am going to plant some here also.
Thanks for the idea.

Vincent said...

I can help. I was going to go there the other day on my way to work but the highway was shut down from an accident and i was stuck in traffic for 20 minutes so i just had to head to work so I wouldn't be late. I'll probably stop by this weekend.