Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kacie's Dream Trip

Nancy and I will begin today making plans to visit Jeff in Germany this summer. I get a one week vacation beginning July 1 and can use it any time during the remainder of the year.

Tonight, we are going to Barnes and Noble to get a large wall map of Germany and the surrounding countries. Also, we'll get some good travel books. We want to visit places that Kacie told Natalie that she wanted to visit one day.

Jeff will be a seasoned European travelier by then and will be a great tour guide.

Let's do this in Kacie's memory.

Natalie, are you in?


Rissy said...

This is awesome Gary. I think you're going to have an amazing time, and Kacie would be so thrilled that you are going.

Natalie said...

I would love to come. My schedule is pretty flexible since I am an independent contractor. I am constantly thinking about when the next time I can go to Europe is. I would lovelovelove to go. I have a lot of family over there too. After you do a little research let me know what you guys have in mind. Would love to see Jeff too.

Nancy said...


Is there a chance you might be interested too? We didnt mean to exclude you.


Rissy said...

oh don't worry! i didn't think that for a second! My schedule is a lot less flexible than Natalie's, especially since summer is the big season for DC tourists, and the museum can get pretty busy.

as soon as you guys know more, let me know. :)

Jeff said...

Well folks, I am here but I am trapped to the base because I don't have a German license. I went downtown last Saturday during the day to a place called the Walkplatz (I think thats how you spell it). There are large streets dedicated to shopping downtown that don't allow cars. This town is a lot bigger than I thought. I also went out with some friends that night and experienced the nightlife. They have these things here called "doners" that are amazing. It is some kind of mystery meat (i think it is shredded chicken and pork) and they make a sandwich or wrap out if it. Tomorrow I am going to take my drivers test so hopefully I pass it. There is a lot to study and people fail all the time. I am going to rent a junky car until my car gets here in six weeks. I will keep you guys updated.........

Gary New said...


After viewing the travel video, we would really like a trip down the Rhine to see some castles, a walk through the Black Forest, and one number one choice would be a trip to the Alps. The cities and villages of Germany are interesting but the rural areas are awesome. Also, if we could make it to Paris, I would like to see the Louvre. A lot to think about.

Natalie said...

all of my family is from the black forest and i still have many relatives who live there. i have driven through the alps a couple times. they are beautiful! i would love to go and think i could be a helpful guide as well :) I would DIE to go to paris and go to the louvre. i have been meaning to do this for sometime. Paris actually is not that far from southern germany. it can be done in a day trip. when i went to germany as a child we actually flew into paris and my relatives picked me up there. I am thinking if we do this... maybe we could do the same thing. first fly into paris spend a day at the louvre then from there go to germany. jeff lives a little tiny bit more north east (i think) of where my family lives. my family lives in a little town called Zell and Lorrach.

JEFF.... Have you asked any of the locals there about fasnacht yet?
You are in for a treat.

Gary New said...


I'll have to go back to the video for details, but there was a famous restaurant that rotates on the top of a mountain peak somewhere in the Alps. It can only be reached by a cable car. That would be an experience.

What is the best time of year to visit Germany? Is there a rainy season that we should avoid? Do the seasons there match ours?

Gary New said...

September is the best month for the trip. The rainfall is minimal and the temperature is just right. Also, kids are back in school.

How does September sound?

We got two very large maps of Germany and England today so we can follow Jeff's exploits.

London appears to be about the same distance from Paris as Kaiserslautern to Paris.

After reading many British novels all my life, my dream is to visit a little pub somewhere in the countryside, throw a few darts and then walk across the moors and smell the heather.

Natalie said...

Last time I was in Germany was September of 2007. It was surprisingly chilly. NOT COLD. It just actually felt like Fall weather. Back in the states it seems to stay warm until late october these days. Anyway, I agree September is a great month to go.
I do have one question though. Earlier you mentioned having 1 week vacation. Are you planning on taking off more then a week though? Squeezing 3 countries into one week could be a little bit exhausting. I would recommend 2 weeks to give you time to soak it all in a little bit and relax in between your travels.
Let me know what you were thinking on that.

Gary New said...


I can also grab the two weekends prior to and after my 5 days off.

According to my video, the best castle viewing in Germny is found along the Rhine from the town of Koblenz down to Bacharach. This is a 36 mile stretch. Koblenz is a little northwest of Frankfurt.

Jeff and Natalie- we'll go with your recommendations as far as what areas we should visit.

Natalie said...

well that might work except sometimes plane tickets are more expensive when leaving and departing on a weekend. it might not make a huge difference. we will just have to look into it. I have been to one castle in Germany and that is in the town of Lorrach. I will talk to my Oma (grandmother) about some of the other places you have mentioned.

amanda said...

There's a real chance I could do this too. I just got a skymiles credit card for just such an occasion. September is a big month for weddings for us, so let me know if you all narrow down a date.

Rissy said...

whoever ends up going, this is my favorite flight site:

I always find flights there that are hundreds of dollars cheaper than ones I find on orbitz or travelocity.

When I was thinking about going to France, every flight I found was over $1000, but on this site, I found several for around $500 on very nice airlines.

Jeff said...

Natalie is right about trying to get a lot done in one week. It is really exhausting and overwhelming with how much there is to do here. Whatever you want to do though, I will make it happen. I will take off work when you come so there won't be any time wasted.

Today I just drove to a nice village where I am going to look at some apartments called Weilerbach. I think you guys are going to be amazed with how nice it is here. I should be getting an apartment with 3 bedrooms, a great view, and much more. There should be plenty of space for whoever wants to come. I already went over to a friends house here and it was nicer than I would ever imagine living. The Germans are really big on hiking through the woods so there are really cool trails everywhere you go. I have a lot of work to do within the next week but I will try and take some pictures soon so you guys can see what it is like.

Jeff said...

Oh yeah, the drive you mentioned with with views of great castles is only an hour and a half away from Weilerbach (where I might be living.)

Gary New said...

Panda- hope you can join us.

Jeff- the best way to view the castles is a boat trip down the Rhine starting in Koblenz.

Is the third week of September ok?

It's ok with us if we start out in Paris and work our way to Jeff's apartment.

We don't have to do England. Maybe that can be Kacie's Dream Trip 2010.

Would it be possible to visit the Alps?

Jeff- hope you pass your driving test before September. Hitchhiking can be dangerous.

Gary New said...

Jeff- I found some good photos of Weilerbach. It looks great and there's a nice castle there.

We continue to look at the travel videos and haven't as yet seen anything as beautiful as the Alps. Could we swing through Bavaria and have a look at the mountains?

Jeff- how long of a drive from Weilerbach to the Alps?

Gary New said...

Attention Fellow Travelers-

Beebs and I will be taking off from work from 9/21 to 9/25. We are of course off on the weekend prior to and after these dates. Does this work for everyone? We have to grab this time now before others do. Please reply asap.

Jeff said...

Sounds good for me. I will talk to my work about making sure I can take time off then.

Natalie said...

I am pretty sure this will work for me. I pretty much make my own schedule.
It will be nice to travel so close to Kacie's birthday.

amanda said...

I think I'm out. I have weddings the weekend before and after the 21st-25th. I'm trying to plan a european vaction sometime this summer or fall. Maybe I can swing through Germany and see Jeff then.
I hope you all have a blast though.

Rissy said...

I think I can go...I can't say definitely though because I have been looking for a new job for some time now, and certainly hope to have one by then...I just don't know what kind of vacation time I will have if I do switch positions.

But for now at least, count me in.

Nancy said...

Sounds exiting guys. Please forgive me for not keeping in touch but things at work are crazy right now, everyone checking into the hospital. Please keep us up to date on what you have in mind.