Wednesday, January 21, 2009

dream about Kacie from Grandma Haydee

Grandma had this dream not too long ago, and i am posting it for her.

Kacie was in a play. Her mother and I were trying to get a good look at her, but there were too many people in front of us. This lady came over and said, Come with me. She took us up the stairs and we could see her real good. She was singing and had on a black skirt and white blouse. We were happy we could see her so well. Then Anne came up and said she's like Annette, likes to be in shows. Then Joyce said that she and Tom had seen the show also (friends of grandma's).

I was so happy for Nancy and I to have been there to see her in my dream. She was about nine years old.
From Grandma.
p.s. I think of her every day. I hope I will see her often in my dreams.


Jeff said...

Hi Haydee, I am so glad you had a dream of Kacie. I think about you a lot and hope everything is okay. Thanks for the beans! They were excellent as usual. Well, I just got to Germany a couple of days ago and I am trying to adjust. Today (Friday the 23rd) is really cold and rainy so I won't be venturing out anywhere. I will give everyone a call this weekend when everyone isn't at work. Germany is such a culture shock for me but I really like it. I know Kacie would have loved it and I wish she could have seen what I am seeing. Hopefully she is enjoying it with me right now. Talk to you soon!


Natalie said...

Hi Haydee,
I am jealous of Jeff having your beans. I still have not tasted them to this day but I always remember Kacie talking very highly of them. Hope you are doing well. It is very cold in Maryland, very bitter. Wish I could be in your neighborhood until this cold goes away! Thanks for sharing your dream. Kacie always was the star of the show. I always thought she would be a great actress.