Monday, January 5, 2009

"Oh i guess you think you cute then, huh?"

That phrase pretty much says it all. That was Kacie's latest favorite saying. she pretty much said that phrase atleast 20 times a day to different people. She would always say it in a ghetto voice. Kacie had her own language as we mentioned before and all of her friends or people she barely even knew were very quick to jump on board with it. i found myself saying it as much as she did. Since shes been gone I can't think of any times I have said it. I work with a girl named Elisha, who sometimes talks in weird voices and reminds me a little bit of Kacie sometimes. She said something to me in a weird voice today and without even thinking i just automatically replied, "Oh I guess you think you cute then, huh? is that what this is about? just go thinkin you cute and stuff." It seriously didn't even register in my brain I was realizing what i was saying after each word was said. It felt good to say it though and remember funny times with Kacie. Elisha laughed pretty hard when i said it too. This photo Kacie is making a funny facial expression that usually always went along with her voices... which made them even funnier.


Rissy said...

i had the same experience today!! I was leaving work with one of my coworkers, and i said "i sure hate it when it gets all icy out" in the little squeaky nerdy voice kacie used to do. she'd make that face where she'd purse her lips sort of off to the side...i'm not describing it well, but it's the best I can do.

Unfortunately, my coworker just sort of gave me a weird look like i was crazy, but the minute she did, i thought "kacie sure as hell would have appreciated that."

Jeff said...

That is hilarious, I can totally hear her saying that. In fact I still have vivid memories of those little voices that she did all the time. Here are some of my favorites you might recognize....

"Something is veeerrrryy suspicious"

"oh you think so huh?"

Jeff said...

Oh yeah, and after she would say "something is veeerrrry suspicious," she would eventually say "just as I suspected." Sounds strange but she always said that in her funny little voice.

Also, in the picture Natalie posted, she is holding a cup of coffee. We had both gotten Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee at a coffee shop in the Cayman Islands. After that, we walked around all the different shops they had.

Natalie said...

hi jeff,
i can never forget the "just as i suspected." hahaha.