Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kacie dream

Had this brief dream about Kacie a few mornings ago, when I was waking up.

I remember I was supposed to meet her somewhere, and ended up meeting her at a restaurant, not sure where. But I saw her sitting there at a table and she was with my Mom laughing and talking. She looked great and seemed very happy. And at the table next to her was Natalie and a friend, not sure who. I remember Natalie's hair being real, real short.

That's it.
Its funny now how it seems everyone is dreaming again. It was brief, but it was great to see her again.


Jeff said...

It does seem like she is in our dreams more lately. Sometimes I even feel like Kacie and I spent time together but I don't remember it enough to post anything to the website. I'll try to write them down right when I wake up.

Natalie said...

hey jeff, well about a year ago my hair was realllly really short. glad i got to have dinner with her in your dream. yeh we have been dreaming more lately. i hope it continues.