Sunday, January 11, 2009

Kacie dream

I had a dream with Kacie last night. All I remember is we were hanging out with some friends and Kacie and I were laughing and joking about how bad we used to argue.


Natalie said...

Hi jeff,
I recently had a short dream about Kacie recently too. I pretty much have trained myself to wake up immediately after a Kacie dream. I woke up in the middle of the night and was going to write it down like i usually do. I remember thinking "okay get up now and write it down." Then another voice in my head said "Noo you will remember it just go back to sleep." Well i fell back asleep. When I woke up a few hours later all I could remember was. Kacie was laughing at my socks in the dream... and something about the store Abercrombie and Fitch. I have no idea what it was ???

Natalie said...
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Nancy said...

im glad you had another dream with Kacie. I remember her telling me in one of our last conversations that she used to LOVE to annoy the people she cared about.

Jeff said...

She used to LOOOVEE to push my buttons. It was so funny. I really liked it when I was explaining something to her and she would say "Yeah, uh huh, yeah, uh huh." Then I would realize she she was just messing with me and I would get really frustrated. I used to push her buttons too. Sometimes, things would go right through one ear and out the other with me. I can be kind of slow sometimes. She was get so mad! Haha. I guess we teased each other a lot.