Thursday, July 24, 2008

Book Club

For the last year Kacie was with us, Her and I had talked about creating a book club together. She also at one time had sent out a blog to all of her friends trying to get them involved. Kacie wrote this last summer. The invite read as follows : 

"I am trying to get together a book/ writing forum by the end of July. The group will meet once a week at my new Baltimore crib or anywhere you see better fit. If you are interested, please let me know what days and times you would be available. Grammar Nazis and pretentious literary assholes are encouraged to attend. Serious Inquires only please, no candy reads will be considered."
A book that Kacie and I wanted to read together was "Bluebeard" by Kurt Vonnegut. We never got around to reading it together. I recently bought it and am almost finished. It is a great book. It was Kacie's pick. She always knew all the good books. I thought it might be cool to start a seperate blog/ book club so that anyone in any location can read together and discuss via the internet. We could have deadlines to read a chapter by a certain time. 
Kacie and I also discussed reading "Letters to Theo" A book about Vincent Van Gogh. She also  already read "Lust for Life" another book about Vincent Van Gogh that Vince lent to her.
I thought it also would be good for all interested to read all of Kacie's favorite books. I know shortly before she passed away she was reading " A heartbreaking work of a staggering genius" by Dave Eggers
Kacie's Favorites/ Books to read in book club:
1. More Die of Heartbreak by Saul Bellow
2. A heartbreaking work of a staggering genius by Dave Eggers
3. Ravelstein by Saul Bellow (his final novel)
4. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (written in 1943)
5. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
6. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
7. The world according to Garp by John Irving
8. Great Expectations
9. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
10. Illywhacker by Peter Carey
11. How we are hungry by Dave Eggers
12. The Courts of Love: The story of Elenor of Aquitaine by Jean Plaidy
13. The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow
If anyone knows of any others please comment with them. Also if you would want to do this let me know and I will create a second blog for all of us. 


Rissy said...

i love the idea of starting a book club. i remember when kacie was trying to start one. she'd always talk about books she was reading that i'd never heard of. i'd love to finally check them out.

Gary New said...

Hi Natlie,

This is the best posting yet. As her father, I tried to inspire her to read the greatest books ever written. I see a couple of my recommendations on her list. I will read all of the books listed.

Very few of us go through life and find a friend like you. Kacie found a friend for life- a rare gem.

I could not have gotten through this without you. You saved my life. There were times when I felt like I couldn't go on and you inspired me. I thank God for you.

amanda said...

I always remember Kacie loved Memoirs of a Geisha- weird but she did.

Nancy said...

Since I was have a particularly bad day today starting to come to the reality of Kacie, I cannot tell you what a lift I got when I went onto the website and saw your posting and picture!!

I totally agree with Larissa and Gary. What a great idea, Natalie!
A book club dedicated to and inspired by Kacie.

I think this would help everyone interested. I would love to read anything everyone is interested in.

Please let me know what youre thinking and Im glad we got to know you better, Natalie. I feel the same as Gary. And all of her other friends that we have heard from have been great.

Natalie said...

It really brought me to tears when I read your comment. I am really glad that I have been able to help you through this rough time. One of the things that helps me keep going is by helping others. The blog has really helped create a little community for us to all help each other with stories and comments.

Gary and Nancy,
I am so glad we have been able to get to know each other better too. One thing that has come out of this is people have become closer that never were close to each other before. I would give it all up to have Kacie back but we can't do that. I was worried that after you two left Maryland that we might fall out of touch. It has really helped me to keep in touch with everyone all over the globe.


Jeff said...

thanks natalie,

i have been really depressed and unproductive lately. i definitely think this will help