Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I first met Kacie...

I thought this picture was appropriate since it was probably the first one I ever took of Kacie.

This isn't a very interesting story, but it still makes me happy.
We first met in Mr Hollman's ceramics class right after she moved from Maryland and didn't know anyone on Hilton Head. I remember sitting next to her because I thought she dressed really cool. I was totally fascinated by Kacie's long beautiful hair (little did I know it would later become my job to use two boxes of L'oreal Feria Chocolate Cherry on all that hair every few months)
We sat next to each other in class, but didn't talk until our first we had to make a paper mache project. Mr Hollman gave each table a big pile of newspapers to tear up and dunk in glue to form our project. Everyone knows Kacie could never touch the newspaper, so she asked me too. So, I'm pretty grateful for her odd newspaperphobia because we were instant friends from that day on.

Another funny thing about that class was Kacie at the pottery wheel. You could not possibly imagine the mess. Both of us would end up with clay in our hair and on our face, just from her wheel. Thank God it was our last class of the day.


Nancy said...

Hi Amanda, that was a such great story and i loved the picture!! I was so glad when she met you here in "south kakalaki" because you made life bearable. She says in one of her writings when she met you and your friends, that she actually started liking it here. I think i remember that day that you're talking about after she went to the drs. and then straight to Gussepi's. I am still amazed that one of her favorite foods ended up being STEAK at the Outback. Great hearing from you. Who was Mammy Jammy? I thought I was Mamma New?

Gary New said...

Hi Panda,

Great stories. Kacie always said that she enjoyed her several years on the island because she met you. I believe that every friend that she had here came through you.

amanda said...

Mammy Jam was something Kacie used to call me, how she got that out of Amanda I do not know. In time it got shortened to "my Jammy"

Jeff said...

I still have a picture of you and Kacie when Kace first got her Corolla. It is one of my favorite pictures. Somehow, it had a greenish tint probably a bad printing job at the photo shop. Kacie is in the drivers seat and I think Gary took the picture. Kacie looks really disgusted with an expression like "Dad, please just let me drive away."

Natalie said...

amanda, was this when your fascination with profile pics started? i remember for a while you were doing a series on profile portraits.