Friday, July 18, 2008

a new dream...

I had a dream with Kacie last night again finally. It has been a while since I had one, that I remember atleast. 
In the dream I was given a chance to go back to the last time I hung out with Kacie before she passed away. In the dream I knew that she had passed away but she did not. The place where we were where we "last hung out" was totally fictional. 
Anyway, Kacie and I were at some party together. It was summer. Kacie looked great. Her hair was mid length, a little bit past her shoulders and dark brown. She was wearing light jeans and some shirt I have never seen in her wardrobe before. I asked her if she wanted to take some photos of us together. I had my camera and had been snapping photos of other people that were at the party. However, everyone else who was there was a blur and I didn't really know them. There was this weird bed of grass that we decided to sit on and pose for the photos. I gave my camera to someone else to take the pictures of us at the party. As we were having our photos taken, I had my arms around Kacie and I was smiling but then I got really upset. Kacie was acting silliy in the pictures. She kept trying to hide herself behind me . She use to do this in some photos when she didn't want to have her picture taken. She would hide behind a glass over her face or soemthing. As they were taking pictures I said to her "I dont want you to leave. Please. I really am going to miss you. Please come visit me again." Kacie just said "Ok."  Like I said she didn't know the future and I did. She just looked at me like I was kind of crazy or something. 
There was another point in the dream where Kacie was talking about make-up. She made a joke that I was not a professional make-up artist or something. It didn't really make any sense. At that point I remember my boyfriend, Kresimir was there too. I also remember a reference of a brown colored lipstick. I remember one of Kacie's favorite lipsticks from a long time ago was "coffee bean" by Origins. She wore this probably when she was 19 or 20. 


Nancy said...

Its great that you had another dream. It sounded so real and this one sounded like it lasted a little longer. Im glad you talked with her.

Hopefully, i will have one like yours soon.

Gary New said...

Hey Natalie,

You have more great dreams about Kacie than anyone else. Could you tell us your secret? I try to think about Kacie before I go to sleep at night and think about her during most of the day but it doesn't work. How do you do it?