Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shopping Memory

We all heard Gary's memory of Kacie's teen shoplifting experience. Can you think of other memories you have of shopping with Kacie? 


Nancy said...

WoW that was one of Kacie's trademarks, her BIG sunglasses.

Is there a story connected with the BIG sunglasses?

She loved to shop and go to lunch and we would often go to Columbia Mall and I know she loved Target.
She always liked me to go with her when she was shopping for a new apartment. ha ha. (she knew she could talk me into buying something).

She also liked the candy shop at Columbia Mall, Im trying to remember what candy she liked? Does anyone remember??

One thing I remember was shopping for her wedding cake. We got to try a zillion samples, and she was having a ball.

It was also hilarious when she was trying to find something to wear at the last minute for her bridal shower. She dragged me up and down the mall until she found something It ended up being so fancy and I think everyone else was in jeans. (there's a picture of her in it on one of the postings)

Jeff said...

Not sure about the sunglasses but she did really like huge sunglasses. I thought they looked silly but she thought they were "banging." Didn't she normally find those glasses in local pharmacy stores?

Old Twizzlers.....she liked twizzlers but she really like them old. I had seen her turn some down because they weren't old enough. When she used to work at Hallmark, they would never switch out their twizzler box so they would get really old and chewy.

Kacie would always get really excited when Mama New was coming to town because they were going to go shoppin and get her hair did. She always had a new plan for her hair too. I really liked her natural color and for it to be long but she always planned for something different. She was really into hair cutting with razors. There was some guy in Phila that I think Amanda introduced to her that only used a razor for cutting hair.

amanda said...

Lee was the guy in Philly that Kacie loved to have her hair cut by. He still does my hair. I hadn't seen him since she'd passed, but every time I see him he would always ask me how my friend from Baltimore with those great big sunglasses was. I think she only went to him a couple times. The first being right around both of our birthdays. I had promised her for a year I would get her a haircut from him for her birthday. It was a really great haircut too, though she had the best hair and it didnt much matter what anyone did to it. I don't think she ever found someone she liked as much. I think I hoped it would be an excuse for her to come see me every couple of months.

amanda said...

Lee was the guy in Philly that Kacie loved to have her hair cut by. He still does my hair. I hadn't seen him since she'd passed, but every time I see him he would always ask me how my friend from Baltimore with those great big sunglasses was. I think she only went to him a couple times. The first being right around both of our birthdays. I had promised her for a year I would get her a haircut from him for her birthday. It was a really great haircut too, though she had the best hair and it didnt much matter what anyone did to it. I don't think she ever found someone she liked as much. I think I hoped it would be an excuse for her to come see me every couple of months.

Nancy said...

Yes, i remember her philly haircuts. she loved going to him for her haircuts. she liked visting you too.