Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My second dream of Kacie

I had a brief dream of Kacie this morning right before I woke up. She must have been about 10 or 11 years old, and I saw her for the first time.

Usually every summer, she would go to camp for a week or so, and we were looking around for a camp she might like to try.

Then we ended up at the dentist office waiting for Gary to finish his appointment. The receptionist said something and Kacie answered and I could see Kacie smiling. I don't remember what she said, something funny, Im sure.

Then, we ended up at a baseball game, something that we really never did together.

Then, Gary called me to wake up, that it was getting late, so thats when my dream ended.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I am glad you had what sounds like a good dream and were able to spend some time with her.

It's funny you mentioned being at a baseball game with her. In 2003, I talked Kacie into going to a Baltimore Orioles game with me and we had a blast! I have a picture of her at that Orioles game. I am not sure if I have it here with me but I will scan and post it as soon as I find it.